Monday, September 30, 2013

Apples, Apples Everywhere!


  This past week was all about apples. The students read An Apple a Day by Melvin Berger. Before reading the book, the students created a KWL chart to name what they know about apples, want to learn, and what they learned from the book.

                                                          Apple  Science
The students also measured how many cubes tall their apple was, and weighed their apples. Since prediction was the comprehension skill for this week, the students predicted if an apple would float or sink. After predicting, the students confirmed and adjusted their predictions.

The students also helped to make a Parts of an Apple anchor chart. After making the anchor chart, the students had to make and label their own apple. 

Apple Math

Thanks to for cover image
The students read Ten Apples Up On Top by Theo. Lesieg. In the story, a lion,a dog, and a tiger are having a contest--can they get ten apples piled up on top of their heads? You better believe it! This first counting book works as a teaching tool as well as a funny story.  After reading the book, the students created themselves with ten apples up on top.

Ten Black Dots

Thanks to for cover image

The students read Ten Black Dots  by Donald Crews. This counting book shows what can be done with ten black dots--one can make a sun, two can make a fox's eyes, or eight can make the wheels of a train. After reading the story, the students used ten black dots to create their own illustrations.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Community Helpers

Thanks to for the cover image

Last week, the students read Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten, written by Joseph Slate and illustrated by Ashley Wolff.  In the story, Miss Bindergarten leads her class on a tour through town, exploring and learning about various community helpers along the way.

Ms. Jackson's Community Helpers
After discussing various community helpers, the students created themselves as community helpers.

Compound Words
 The students also learned about compound words and created a compound word book.
cow and girl makes cowgirl!

pony and tail makes ponytail!
The Main Event 

For the comprehension skill, the students learned how to identify the main event of a story using the pictures and clue words from the story.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Grandparent's Day

Our class wants to thank all the grandparents who ate lunch with us on Grandparent's Day. The students were very excited and enjoyed talking with the grandparents.
A little treat for the grandparents. Homemade tea cakes, YUM!

The students made their grandparents a cute hand print with a poem.


The students would also like to thank the players who visited  our classroom. GO COUGARS!!!!

Nursery Rhymes

The students read Nursery Rhymes and created an anchor chart on retelling Humpty Dumpty in sequence.

Name Art
The students have been learning how to identify and spell their names. They are so creative!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Back to School

Welcome Families,

            Kindergarten is a time that children begin a lifetime of learning. It is a year for learning, growing, making friends, and a lot of fun, too! Our days are filled with stories, letters, phonics, numbers, writing, and many other activities and memories. What a pleasure it will be to have your child in my classroom.This is going to be an exciting year!

 Best Wishes,
 Ms. Jackson

Important Notes

Behavior: With regard to behavior, your child is expected to act in a manner that will ensure safety and consideration for the feelings of others. Please see the Student Handbook for further information about behavior and discipline.

Arrival/Dismissal: We are prepared to welcome students at 7:30 a.m. Please do not drop off students before 7:30 a.m.

Pick up time: The school day runs until 3:10 p.m. and students leaving early miss valuable information. We begin loading afternoon pick ups at approximately 3:20 p.m. Unless it is an absolute necessity, please do not sign your child out in the afternoon prior to dismissal.  If your child needs to ride a different bus than his/her usual one, or if your child normally rides the bus and will be picked up after school, please send a note or call the school at 281-328-9370 before 1:00 p.m. to let us know of the change.

Breakfast/Lunch: Breakfast is served from 7:45 a.m. until 8:15 a.m. daily. The price for breakfast is $1.30 and the lunch price is $2.10.

Friday Folders: These folders go home every Friday which include your child's weekly work and important school wide information. Please return the folders on Monday.

Birthdays: If you would like to send a birthday treat for the class, please send  a note the day before. We will celebrate birthdays no earlier than 2:30 p.m.

Volunteer: Volunteering is essential in providing the best opportunity for your child’s education. Keep an eye out for specific information about volunteering.

Communication: The best way to contact me is by calling the school at 281-328-9370 or through email. My email address is Please do not post any questions you may have about your child on the blog. The blog was created to keep parents informed about important information.