Monday, December 9, 2013

Welcome to the Polar Express

I surprised the students with a Polar Express door to go along with our polar express theme!!!

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Product Details
Book cover image provided by
Last week, the students read  two books about how Santa got his job and lost his job. After reading the stories, the students completed a response by creating themselves as Santa and completing a Substitute Santa job application.

The students have been learning addition 0-10. As an extension to the learning, the students completed an addition word problem in their math journals.

The students also created double addition facts peppermints to hang in our classroom.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fairy Tales

Last Week the students read Fairy Tales. They learned about the elements of a Fairy Tale, and how to identify the characters, setting, problem and solutions of a story.
After reading the Fairy Tale Cinderella, the students completed a Cinderella Story Map to identify the characters, setting, problem, solutions, and key events from the story. As an extension to the lesson, the students listened to Fairy Tales and completed their own elements of a story graphic organizer.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon week was awesome! The students really enjoyed all the different activities each day.

Crazy Sock Day!

Trick or Treat,
Smell My Feet.
Can You Guess,
Who's Under The Sheet?

The students also completed a Halloween Craftivity to go along with the poem. The students had to describe themselves and give clues to figure out who is under the sheet.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Last week the students learned the elements of a Folktale and how to identify the big idea of a folktale.
Folktale Anchor Chart

The students read the folktale The Little Red Hen, After reading the story, the students helped to make an anchor chart to retell the story. Also, the students discussed the big idea of the folktale and made personal connections to the story. 

Last week the students used one to one correspondence to  create real-object graphs. The students also described their graph using comparative language, and answered questions about their graph.

Our class favorite color graph

 The students also created a graphing craftivity using trick or cheesy macaroni.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pumpkins Big and Small

Last week the students read informational text about pumpkins. After reading the text, the students helped to make a Life cycle of a Pumpkin anchor chart. Afterwards, the students sequenced the life cycle of a pumpkin.
The students measured, weighed, counted seeds, and predicted if their pumpkin would sink or float. They were very shocked to find out that a pumpkin floats. Afterwards, the students created a pumpkin face and recorded the data from their observations.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Spiders, Spiders, Spiders!

Last week, the students read informational text about spiders. Before reading the text, students helped to fill in the sections of the K ( what we know about spiders)  and W ( what we want to learn about spiders from the informational text) sections of our KWL Chart. After the read, students helped to fill in the L (what we learned from the informational text) section of our chart.

After reviewing our chart, the students created a spider and listed some facts about spiders they learned from the informational text.

The class also completed a graph titled "Are you Afraid Of Spiders." Afterwards, the students had to record the data from our graph. I couldn't  believe that the majority of the class was not afraid of spiders!

To finish off the week about spiders, the students really enjoyed making edible spiders!!

The students learned about the five senses and created a Five Senses photo collage in their science journals.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Last week, the students learned about the different features of Informational Text. They learned that informational text teaches us facts about a topic. After we talked about the different features, the students helped to create an Informational Text Features anchor chart.

The students students read different expository text about owls to gather facts about the topic.After reading the text, the students helped to create a Tree Map to identify facts that we learned about owls from the text. Afterwards, the students  created their own tree map about owls.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Apples, Apples Everywhere!


  This past week was all about apples. The students read An Apple a Day by Melvin Berger. Before reading the book, the students created a KWL chart to name what they know about apples, want to learn, and what they learned from the book.

                                                          Apple  Science
The students also measured how many cubes tall their apple was, and weighed their apples. Since prediction was the comprehension skill for this week, the students predicted if an apple would float or sink. After predicting, the students confirmed and adjusted their predictions.

The students also helped to make a Parts of an Apple anchor chart. After making the anchor chart, the students had to make and label their own apple. 

Apple Math

Thanks to for cover image
The students read Ten Apples Up On Top by Theo. Lesieg. In the story, a lion,a dog, and a tiger are having a contest--can they get ten apples piled up on top of their heads? You better believe it! This first counting book works as a teaching tool as well as a funny story.  After reading the book, the students created themselves with ten apples up on top.

Ten Black Dots

Thanks to for cover image

The students read Ten Black Dots  by Donald Crews. This counting book shows what can be done with ten black dots--one can make a sun, two can make a fox's eyes, or eight can make the wheels of a train. After reading the story, the students used ten black dots to create their own illustrations.