Sunday, October 11, 2015

Week 7 Fun

Hooray Fall Glitter image

Parent/Teacher Conference Time!
If you haven't done so, click on the link to schedule a time to conference about your child.

It's Party Time

Our Fall Festival will be on October 30, 2015 from 1:15-1:45p.m.  Each student will need to bring treats for 20 kids to go in their treat bucket: Examples, candy, stickers, pencils, erasers, small toys or gifts, etc… by Friday, October 23, 2015. I will supply treat buckets for the students.

Language Arts
This week, the students read a variety of Literary Fiction and Informational texts. The students practiced asking and answering questions before, during, and after reading. The students loved using their question hats to remind them of the correct words to use when asking questions.

The students also practiced identifying the number syllables in a word by hopping the word parts. 

The students continued to build number sense with numbers 11-15.

It was all bout QR Codes during Math Stations this week. The students love using QR Codes to self check their answers.


Science Fun
The students identified the needs of plants and animals and sorted objects into categories of living and nonliving.

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