Sunday, January 10, 2016

Winter Fun

Snow Much Fun...

Snowman image

Students did a great job answering questions and completing an interactive graphic organizer about The Biggest Snowman Ever !

The students also had SNOW much fun
building words during word study.

Winter Math Fun! 

Students reviewed number sense 0-20, addition , and subtraction. Take a look at some of the activities that the students completed this week.

Goldfish Subtraction: Students used
goldfish to solve subtraction sentences.

Ladybug Addition: Students rolled
dice to build and write addition sentences.

One More/One Less: Students rolled an interactive die. Then, the students had to build 1 more or 1 less than the number on the die. The students who held up the correct number first received a chip for their team.

animated-coffee-image-0030Hot Cocoa Math Fun....Brr

Hot Cocoa Addition:
Students rolled dice and used marshmallows
 to solve and write addition sentences.

Hot Cocoa Math Station: Students roll dice 
and add that number of marshmallows to hot cocoa. 

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